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Information according to § 5 TMG:

encoord® GmbH Am Waldthausenpark 9 45127 Essen Germany

Managing Director:  Dr. Kwabena Pambour

Contact: Phone: (+49) 201 206 026 27 E-Mail: info@encoord.com

Registration: Registered in commercial Register. Register Court: District Court Essen Register No.: HRB 29024

Value Added Tax Identification Number according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 317 687 934

encoord® Inc. 1525 Raleigh St., Ste. 510 Denver, CO 80204 United States

Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Carlo Brancucci

Contact Phone: (+1) 720 418 1843 E-Mail: info@encoord.com

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