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Gas Network Modeling

Model gas pipeline transmission and distribution networks.

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Hydraulic simulations

Run steady-state and dynamic gas hydraulic simulations to model the operation of gas pipeline networks and quantify changes in pressure and linepack.

From supply to meter

Plan gas systems by modeling the constraints and costs of different gas system assets. This includes pipelines, compressor stations, valves, regulators, underground gas storages, LNG regasification terminals, demands, and supplies.

Gas quality, composition, and temperature

Model gas pipeline networks with gas quality, composition, and temperature tracking. Plan the injection and blending of different gases, including hydrogen.


LNG scheduling

Plan the arrival of LNG vessels to regasification terminals and the storage discharge process.

Underground storage

Plan the operation of underground gas storage facilities, including depleted oil and gas fields, salt caverns, and aquifer storages by modeling their different withdrawal and injection constraints.

Contingency analysis

Run Monte-Carlo simulations to quantify the impacts of extreme events, assess risks, and plan mitigation strategies.


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