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RTS-GMLC Electricity Network Model

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RTS-GMLC Electricity Network Model

73 Bus test system based on the IEEE 96 Bus reliability test system.

121 Branches in total, including 105 AC transmission lines, 15 transformers, and 1 DC transmission line.

156 Generators separated into 12 production types, including nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, battery storage, wind, utility PV, rooftop PV, and hydropower.

Physical information for devices needed for AC power [CB1] [WF2] [CB3] flow analysis.

Market information needed for determining optimal generation dispatch, including fuel prices, fuel consumption functions, and variable generation costs.

Operational information needed for determining optimal unit commitment and economic dispatch of generation resources including hourly profiles for electricity demand and generation from renewable resources.

State Transfer Capability to shift between AC power flow simulations, optimal dispatch, and optimal unit commitment and economic dispatch (production cost modeling).

Data Sources

GridMod/RTS-GMLC: Reliability Test System - Grid Modernization Lab Consortium (github.com)



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Models are only as good as the data.

Public data can be painful to collect and difficult to align with models. Current industry datasets are costly to purchase and often lack the level of detail and information required to build a complete model.

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