Wallace obtained his PhD from the University of Colorado Boulder, where he focused on power system dynamics and simulation with high shares of inverter-based resources. At encoord, he designs and leads the development of power system dynamics simulation capabilities of SAInt, taking full account of the deficits of existing dynamics tools and the anticipated, requisite capabilities necessary to accurately model power systems operating with high shares of inverter-based resources.
Why encoord?
“The overarching drivers are my passion for renewable energy that is met by the encoord mission and being part of a most excellent and international team of energy system experts, with the potential to travel and interact with clients from all over the world. I’ve spent the last half-decade learning about the challenges and deficits of existing simulation tools with respect to power systems dynamics, both in general and with respect to operating conditions dominated by inverter-based resources (i.e., renewables). This position at encoord affords me the unique, and incredibly compelling opportunity to compile these grievances and address them with a new dynamics simulation tool that is integrated with other energy networks, considering other timescales.”