As we bid farewell to 2023, see the moments that defined encoord's year and look at the impact encoord has made as a company through thought leadership, advancements in our software SAInt, and our work with customers and partners.
encoord's 2023: Progressing the Energy Transition
Video Details
This video outlines major customer developments, new use cases, SAInt updates, our major thought leadership activities, and a glimpse into what 2024 holds for encoord.
encoord expanded its customer base and added new use cases that consolidate encoord’s position as a market leader in integrated energy planning.
SAInt saw significant enhancements, including the addition of thermal network modeling, the ability to simulate electric distribution networks and the impact of distributed energy resources, and an enhanced graphical user interface with a new geo-referenced map.
Thought leadership was a major part of encoord’s year, comprising webinars, publications, whitepapers, media features, and award selections.
Article: encoord's 2023: Progressing the Energy Transition
Thought Leadership
Research and Publications
National Grid Partners - Upgrading the grid: new technologies needed for net zero
Canary Media - Natural gas is the pillar of the US electric grid. It’s also unreliable
encoord & NREL - The Hidden Flexibility of the Natural Gas Network for Electric Power Operations: A Case Study of a Near-Miss Winter Event
encoord and Sumitomo SHI FW- Liquid Air Energy Storage (LAES) as a long-duration storage option for Europe
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy - A review of technical and regulatory limits for hydrogen blending in natural gas pipelines
Events and Awards
Webinar with NREL - Keeping the lights and heat on: The risks of gas insecurity on the power system
Webinar with Gurobi - Optimizing the Energy Transition
Webinar with Darcy Partners - Unifying Energy Systems Modeling
Webinar with Sumitomo SHI FW - Quantifying the Impact of Liquid Air Energy Storage
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